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Archangel Michael Prayer Oil (10 ml and 100 ml)


Archangel Michael Prayer Oil Blend – blended to mimic the ancient blend, promoting spiritual awareness, balancing of qi, courage, strength and to promote tranquility

Archangel Michael Prayer Blend Information

Our Archangel Michael Prayer Blend is a blend of pure, mystical and ancient essential oils of Sandalwood, Frankincense and Orange on a base of pure extra-virgin Olive carrier oil – specifically blended to mimic the ancient blend used during prayer to aid connection with St Michael, to appeal for his protection, to bolster confidence, to give courage and to aid healing.

Our Archangel Michael Prayer Blend has an amazing, refreshing and invigorating aroma.

Archangel Michael, also known as St Michael or St Michael the Archangel in the Catholic Church, is tasked with 4 duties or roles:

  • Commander of the Angelic forces of heaven and to destroy and triumph over the legions of hell and agents of evil. To be the angelic example of the true spiritual warrior and to aid those who battle against spiritual attacks
  • To meet every soul at the hour of death and to give the soul a chance at redemption, while fighting the influence of the agents of evil
  • To weigh the soul to see if it is worthy
  • Archangel Michael, also known as St Michael, is the patron saint of soldiers, the police, doctors and the children of Israel.

Archangel Michael is mentioned 4 times in the bible:

The following prayer was included in the exorcism formula of the Roman ritual of the Catholic Church in 1902:

‘St. Michael the Archangel, illustrious leader of the heavenly army, defend us in the battle against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of darkness and the spirit of wickedness in high places.
Come to the rescue of mankind, whom God has made in His own image and likeness, and purchased from Satan’s tyranny at so great a price.
Holy Church venerates you as her patron and guardian. The Lord has entrusted to you the task of leading the souls of the redeemed to heavenly blessedness.
Entreat the Lord of peace to cast Satan down under our feet, so as to keep him from further holding man captive and doing harm to the Church.
Carry our prayers up to God’s throne, that the mercy of the Lord may quickly come and lay hold of the beast, the serpent of old, Satan and his demons, casting him in chains into the abyss, so that he can no longer seduce the nations. Amen’

Our Archangel Michael Prayer Oil Blend was specifically created to help the faithful communicate with St Michael through prayer, but the essential oils and carrier oil contained are extremely therapeutic in their own right.

The blend itself has a magical, magnificent aroma and is wondrous to use while praying.

The Archangel Michael Blend contains:

Orange essential oil, which is used in its own right to help calm a nervous stomach, help combat colds and flu, stimulate the lymphatic system and to aid collagen formation in the skin

Frankincense essential oil, which is used to calm the mind, aid in meditation, soothe breathing, aid the urinary tract and as a great restorative for the skin

Sandalwood essential oil, an extremely rare and expensive oil, is used to reduce tension and confusion, hydrate the skin, calm digestive and urinary tract complaints and promote an all round calming and harmonising effect.

Olive carrier oil, used as a moisturiser and in cooking since biblical times, is useful for soothing and promoting healing when the skin is dry, sore or inflamed.

How to use

‘Less is more’ is a common rule of thumb when using essential oils and essential oil blends.

Always remember to do a skin patch test before using an essential oil blend: e.g. rub a few drops of the essential oil blend behind one ear and wait for 20 minutes to see if you have an adverse reaction. If you do have a nasty reaction, wash the area with warm water and soap and rinse copiously.

Do NOT use the blend any further and consult a doctor if any unpleasant reaction lasts.

The blend may stain fabric, wood and certain metals and plastic. It is suggested that a sample of the material should be tested first. Care should be taken when using the blend as it is oil and will make surfaces slippery.

Burners and Vaporisers

Our Archangel Michael Prayer Oil Blend can be added to a burner or vaporiser to infuse the surrounding area with the delicate, mixed aroma of the carefully selected hydrophobic liquids,  helping to achieve an elevated sense of the Divine, communication, peace, calm and harmony.

Add at least 20 drops of the mixture to water in a burner or vaporiser.

Blended Massage Oil and in the Bath

Our Archangel Micheal Prayer Oil Blend can be used as is in a bath or a massage to promote  an elevated sense of the Divine, to balance and elevate the qi, help heal and moisturise the skin and promote peace, calm and harmony.

Add to a Cream or Lotion

The Archangel Michael Prayer Oil Blend can be added to a base cream (like our Olinat Natural Base Cream) to be used as an all purpose moisturiser.

The divine fragrance also serves as a deodoriser and perfume. A cream containing this blend would help to hydrate the skin and help heal small cuts and moisturize dry skin.


10 ml, 100 ml