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Beard Oil Blend – 100 ml


Beard Oil Blend – A special blend of Jojoba and Grape seed oil with Rosemary, Bay, Cedarwood, Lavender, Thyme, Patchouli, Cypress and Ylang Ylang essential oils – based on a clinically tested formula.

6 in stock

General information on our Beard Oil Blend

Use our Beard Oil Blend to promote growth of a healthy, thick and glossy beard.

This blend is also a super idea for a gift for any man in your like that enjoys wearing a beard!

The heath of your beard is determined by a couple of factors, such as nutrition, environmental stressors, level of care, your general health, as well as the health of your skin and the products used on your face.

After repeated requests from clients on the web, as well as the alternative health clinic with which we closely work, for a specialist oil to help with boosting hair growth for the beard, preventing a patchy appearance and to improve hair quality, we started to formulate this particular oil blend and our customers seem to be very satisfied with the results achieved.

Formulation of our Beard Oil Blend

The selection of essential oils in our Beard Oil Blend were made to cover the greatest range of problems that people normally have with their beard – thin patchy growth, itchy skin and and / or a dull lackluster appearance.

Our Beard Oil blend was developed over years with the help of our clients, that gave us feedback on results. It was always a blend made with essential oils known (anecdotal evidence) to help with hair growth, the health of the scalp and to fight hair loss and premature balding.

Clinical trial on preventing hair loss and helping with alopecia

We have however changed our formula to include the formula used in a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial of seven months’ duration, with follow-up at three and seven months done at the Department of Dermatology, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Foresterhill, Scotland. The eighty-six participants were diagnosed with having alopecia areata (hair loss).

The authors, researchers and institution that conducted this clinical trial on fighting hair loss are in no way involved with our company.

We simply used the formula employed in the clinical trial as a base and added our own tried and tested oils.

The eighty-six patients were randomly divided into two groups, with the active group (getting the blend under investigation) massaged essential oils (thyme, rosemary, lavender, and cedarwood) in a mixture of carrier oils (jojoba and grapeseed) into their scalp daily. The control group only received the carrier oils for their daily scalp massage.

Conclusion and results of clinical trial

After the trial it was concluded that the blend in question _ rosemary, thyme, lavender, cedarwood, jojoba and grape seed – showed that aromatherapy to be a safe and effective treatment for alopecia areata.

We used this clinically proven blend and still added extra oils to boost the formula.

Our Formulation:

Carrier – Jojoba oil, Grapeseed oil

Essential Oils – Rosemary, Thyme, Lavender, Cedarwood, Bay, Patchouli, Cypress, Ylang-ylang

How to use our Beard Oil blend

Although we refer to “essential oils” as oils, they are not oily in the normal sense of the word, since they are volatile compounds, and jojoba oil is also not really an oil, but in actual fact a wax ester, and does not have an oily or greasy consistency. The grape seed oil is also a light easily-absorbed oil.

For the blend to be the most effective, we recommend that the oil be massaged daily into the beard for a minimum of two minutes.

To help the oils be more effectively absorbed, a warm towel may be wrapped around the beard after applying the oil, for about 10 minutes – this is a further recommendation, but not a requirement.

With this in mind, you are not going to have an oily or greasy product, but a highly nourishing and light mixture containing the active essential oils with their therapeutic properties to help your beard look its absolute best.

Pour a small amount of oil – about a half a teaspoon – into a saucer and dip the tips of your fingers into the oil. Massage the beard by firmly placing your fingers on the dry beard, and moving the fingers gently around – do not cause to much friction, as this may damage the hair follicles.

You will gently massage the entire beard, by dipping your finger tips into the teaspoon of “Beard Oil Blend” and then massaging the beard. It is normally best to start massaging at your neck, working upwards and over the entire beard. Ensure that the entire beard area is treated.

When done correctly your beard will not be oily, and you should be able to go to sleep like this after waiting 30 minutes.

Should you however need to wash your beard after the treatment, ensure that the blend has been on your beard for at least 45 minutes.

A small amount of the Beard Oil Blend can also be used on your beard in the morning and combed through and left in the beard during the day – remember that only a small amount is required.

Weight 195 g