Safety Considerations – dogs and large farm animals
Whatever your vet says is law
Your vet has more experience and training than we do and are always to be trusted above an online source. Always ask your vet if you can use essential oils on your pet! A medical diagnosis can only be made after a physical examination by a trained medical professional. If you disagree with your vet and cannot reach a common ground, seek an opinion from another vet who has a different approach. When in doubt always take your animal to a vet with whom you feel comfortable asking questions about your pet’s health and well-being.
Always DILUTE essential oil
Although certain essential oils can be applied neat in tiny amounts on healthy large breed adult dogs, always err on the side of ‘less is more’ when it comes to your pup.
Always store your essential oils and carrier oils in a safe place
Somewhere your critters cannot get into!
Do not blend with synthetic substances
- Use natural carrier oils, such as hazelnut oil, sweet almond oil, sunflower oil, grape seed oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, apricot kernel oil, castor oil, coconut oil, rosehip seed oil, sesame oil and olive oil.
- Use natural beeswax, Shea butter etc in homemade salves and ointments.
- Use grain alcohol or Vodka, should the use of alcohol be called for, in a spray for example.
- Distilled or spring water could be suggested in a recipe, but fresh water safe for drinking is also ok
Essential oils high in phenols and ketones must be avoided. Only use essential oils listed as safe for dog
- Toxic essential oils:
- Aniseed, Birch, Bitter Almond, Boldo, Calamus, Camphor, Cassia, Chenopodium, Clove, Crested Lavender, Garlic, Goosefoot, Horseradish, Hyssop (except decumbens variety), Juniper (except Juniper Berry), Mugwort, Mustard, Oregano, Pennyroyal, Red and White Thyme, Rue, Santalina, Sassafras, Savory, Tansy, Terebinth, Thuja, Wintergreen, Wormwood and Yarrow. This is not an exhaustive list and there will be other oils out there that are toxic. Always double check and confirm with a vet if in doubt.
Do not use essential oils on pregnant or lactating females
Unless this is specifically allowed by your vet.
Do not use essential oils on dogs with seizures
unless this is specifically allowed by your vet
Do not use essential oils on puppies younger than (small breed) 10 weeks and (medium, large breed) 6 weeks
Do not let your dog drink pure undiluted essential oils at all
unless this is specifically allowed by your vet. Certain essential oils can be used in a teeth cleaning or breath freshening recipe- these are usually oils obtained from common herbs in the kitchen e.g. Peppermint, Cardamom and Coriander. When in doubt, ask your vet! There is no reason for concern if your dog licks an area on itself that has been sprayed or covered with properly diluted non-toxic essential oils, although you should discourage licking, and keep puppies younger than 10 weeks away from the dog, just to be safe.
Always obtain an MSDS for each essential oil
The Material Data Safety Sheet specifies the chemical constituents of an essential oil and gives limited medical advice – knowledge of this will help your vet give appropriate treatment if your dog has an adverse reaction to an oil or drinks an oil. If you cannot get one from your supplier, search for one online.
Do not use essential oils in or close to the nose, eyes or genital area
Avoid using a blend or essential oil if exposure causes adverse reactions
such as panting, drooling, whining and the dog rubbing its face on carpets and objects (unless your vet specifically insists on the use of a specific essential oil).